Even Tone Your Skin One of the benefits of using body scrubs is that they…
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كيفية استخدام مقشر الجسم بشكل مثالي للحصول على بشرة ناعمة ورطبة
Most of us know to use a face scrub. But, how to use a body…
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فوائد زيت الكافور (الإكاليبتوس)
The Eucalyptos tree is an evergreen tree mostly found in Australia. Though its considered essential…
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شذا عبير الأوكالبتوس
Eucalyptus was officially discovered in 1642. From Australia and surrounding regions, there are more than…
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سولتي لوڤ
Sea salt is produced through evaporation of ocean water or water from saltwater lakes, with…
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نفحات البرتقال المنعشة
The orange originated in Asia, the earliest mention of the sweet orange was in Chinese literature in 314 BC.…
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ملح الهيمالايا
Shine pink naturally From the depths of the mountains at 64˚f the natural pink trace…
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رائحة الزنجبيل العطرة
Properties of ginger This uneven irregular root found in Southeast Asia during the 1st century…
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Patchouli aromatic moments Patchouli, origin from the 19th century is a heavy sensual oil of a south…
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زيت اللوز
Sweet scented almond oil Properties of almond oil Thanks to this ancient sweet scented oil,…
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